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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Social Justice - Gender Example

Essays on Social Justice - Gender Book Report/Review Summary of Necropolitics, Narcopolitics, and Femicide: Gendered Violence on the Mexico-U.S. Border Necropolitics has been defined as synonymous to the idea of biopolitics or the used of the threat of violent death as a technique in governance. Necropolitics has prevailed because of drug gangs-related killings (narcopolitics) and massive, violent, and cruel deaths of women (femicide) on the Mexico U.S. boarder. In addition, violence and deaths were the results of government’s military strategy to disrupt the drug business. Since then, unprecedented violations of human and civil rights have been documented and a number of antifemicide activists also emerged to fight for social injustice and legal reforms concerning gender as the notion of masculinity contributed to violence and state-sanctioned impunity. In line with the idea of necropolitics, narcopolitics, femicide, and gendered-violence, Wright (2011) geared towards the demonstration of how antifemicide movements led to a dem ocratic Mexican state despite violence and how politics of gender are related to necropolitics (709). Supporting literatures from a number of scholars such as Mbembe, Michael Hardt, and Antonio Negri identified politics to the work of death where dead bodies served as the basis for occurring femicide and rational drug lords. The dead bodies provided the gender, location, scars, and mutilations associated with gendered violence. The discovery of these bodies was also significant in designing measures to protect the lives of Ciudad Juarez residents, advocating human rights, and understanding citizenship movements. This has also become a tool to understand that violence is perpetuated by businessmen who are engaged in illegal transactions and possessed masculine traits of competition, rationality, and violence. Therefore, the politics of death and the politics of gender go altogether wherein gender is central to the state’s production and their subject’s reproduction. Wor ks CitedWright, Melissa W. â€Å"Necropolitics, Narcopolitics, and Femicide: Gendered Violence on the Mexico-U.S. Border.† Journal of Women in Culture and Society (2011) (36)(3): 707-731.

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